In front of the station, Kirin Beer Christmas trees and Penguins (shouldn't they be at the South Pole?) are everywhere.
What appears to be a truly worthy cause is a ソックモンキープロジェクト (Sock Monkey Project) that is in the lobby of Parco, Sakurano and other Department stores. Handcrafted and presumably going to charity, these cute simians adorn a few Christmas trees around the city. I especially like the long legged squidlike ones.
Of course all kinds of Santa-clad characters can be find in the UFO-Catch cubicles from sexy Anime characters to Russian rabbits. I snapped pics of a few.
Yet amongst all this cheer and glee and brightness and joy, I still managed to find something a little bit eerie to fit the mood for Creepmas.

That's right, my favourite bear, Gloomy, with his blood-drenched claws and blood-smeared fangs is also getting into the Christmas spirit by wearing his Santa gear!
I must tell Santa I want a Gloomy Bear! :D So creepy cute!
Click on my "bears" label to see several more examples of Gloomy. If I can easily grab one at UFO catch, I'll send you one.
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