
Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts.

 Especially if these Greeks are Yokai!

ゴーゴン or Gorgons have snakes as hair and curiously, Medusa was not mentioned in the narrative as one of them. They still have the power to turn you to stone, so it's best if you don't stare.

Another odd pair of Greek Yokai include the bulbous エムプウサイ (Empusa) on the right. She doesn't appear very feminine yet she's a shape-shifter, at least until she dines.

On the left there is ギロ (Giro), who tends to keep an eye out for you.

These are  (kuro-kobito) or Black Dwarfs from the Scandinavian Peninsula. They like to kidnap kids and then substitute one of their own for them.

Also from that neck of the woods is ゼーオルム (Zeorum?), a Sea Serpent that's about 200 metres long and has an appetite for sailors.

Here are a couple of depictions of Kitaro. Here the toddler Kitaro is being dragged around by his dad. 

And here Kitaro is cosplaying as a Maneki-neco (beckoning cat).

Speaking of cats, here is Kitaro's gal pal, Neko-Musume.

I'll finish off tonight with some donuts that I shared with some friends a while ago. Cute and yummy.

Tomorrow I have a health test, so now I'm going to go study for it.

1 comment:

Guillaume said...

Love the Medusa and the doughnuts.


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