Can anyone tell me if any of these characters (apart from Luke and Lando) are canon? Have they shown up elsewhere in the massive Lucas-universe?

I ran around a compound, blasted a few Stormtroopers and eventually found a key to open something. That's it. I managed to get the first 3 weapons and I must say the best part was zapping your female partner with the stun baton, she really gets pissed off! (Notice how the Light Saber later is misspelled as a Light Saver?)

If I'm really bored, I may venture back to the the world of the Outcasts (misfit toys would have been a cooler name!)
Now if only someone would give me a Pinball machine from Episode one, I may never leave my apartment again! Damn, that game was a lot of fun. I can't find a single pinball machine anywhere in Sendai...I miss it! (SOB)
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