Another batch of Star Wars goodies that I acquired were these face-towels, perfect for your trip to the onsen to show off your nerdiness and cover up your shortcomings. At present, I have three Darth Vaders, two R2D2s but only one Yoda and Boba Fett (that's not including the half dozen or so that I've given away as presents over the years.) I've opened up one of the Darths...Take a peek!

As part of Universal Day of the Jedi and in honour of Douglas Adams' Towel Day, I'm willing to send a Darth Towel to the first person to comment on this post! (Don't worry, other commenters will get a booby prize!)
Completely forgot today is Towel Day - thanks for the reminder!!!
I'll add a towel to the whack of stuff I plan to send to you...someday...
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