
Woof and Poof!

Here's a double feature of King for you, Cujo and Firestarter!

The above was one of my favourite King novels and when the movie came out, I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. I need to watch this again to see if it holds up to my recollection.

When I get a chance, I'll watch this again as well.

No good selfie for you, just this goofy looking one.

No snack, rather some Halloween brews. Courtesy of the Hub, just in time for the Japanese premiere, a Star Trek Beyond drink with JD. A bit too sweet, just like the movie. (Kidding, I loved it!)

I didn't try the Guinness, too spooky for me!

We went to a new Craft Beer Pub. Great place but didn't find any good beer and two terrible ones. This pumpkin one wasn't bad.

As for Ghostbusters, here is a pic of the Gatcha for a few desktop items.

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