
Potty Time!

I'm feeling much better today and so I spent the day doing pretty much nothing. I discovered that my missing pouch of Point Cards had turned up, so I head down to the local cop shop to retrieve it. That was about all I did. After dinner, I started rummaging through boxes looking for various goods to showcase for my daily Venom blast. (Such as this wallet which I won at UFO Catcher.)

I think I'll replace my Scar pouch with this to keep my Parking coins within. 

After much rummaging, my brother emailed me with the request that I do some Comic Cataloguing so I can advise him. He has graciously offered to catalogue the comics I have sitting in a friend's basement and get them ready for resale. Since I'm not going home anytime in the foreseeable future, this seems as good a time as any to sell them off. (Besides, I need the money!)

Therefore, all of these distractions means that I don't have anything to post today! I looked at my Yokai book and selected this little gal.

I first chose Zashiki-Warashi because I mistook her for Hanako of toilet time fame. (Click either of those to learn about loo-Yokai! Alas, Zashiki-Warashi is merely a friendly little spirit that pulls pranks on homeowners.

Since I was talking about the loo, I managed to find some Gachapin/Mukku TP. I'd just run out of my Christmas supply!

I can't end the day on such a pleasant note, so here's some info about Akaname. This Yokai likes to lick the filth and scum that accumulates in bathtubs and bathroom stalls. Charmin! Charming!

If that hasn't grossed you out too much, go visit fellow countdown blogger, Dispatches from the Macabre Republic.

Hopefully, I'll have a more extensive entry tomorrow. Stay clean everyone!


Deadpan Flook said...


Toilet licking….

There really is a yokai for everything, isn’t there!?!

Michael Jones said...

Yeah, this is not one I'd like to encounter.


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