
There Might Be Giants.

Today, I'm going to start with my Yokai, and see where it goes from there.

This giant named Daidarabotchi has a body like a mountain range when he's sleeping, likes to dig up swamps and is peaceful. BORING!

Oh, he's a forest spirit that shows up in Princess Mononoke. That qualifies him as more interesting.

Let's go straight to my Venom figure. Dr. Strange falls under its spell.


I haven't supplied any Treats lately, here is what Misdo (Mister Donut) has up for grabs these days. I chose not to wait in line for one.

Let's add some Mall decorations while I'm at it.

These are from a Disney Villains lineup.

Speaking of Disney villains, there are little pouches within this Gatcha machine.

I have SCAR in my car but I'm not going outside in my pjs to take a picture.

I saw TWO movies today, one in the mall on the way home from work. It was released today and is a lovely bloody romp. The Threequalizer. (Equalizer 3). It was okay. Hopefully that'll put an end to Denzel's take on the character. (Whoa. Queen Latifah had FOUR seasons? I saw the first season and recall enjoying it.)
TRIVIA question: What famous Horror movie has an Equalizer connection? Answer in the comments.

The second movie is courtesy of my Twitch connection. The Lady Vampire (Onna Kyuketsuki) from 1959. The title is misleading though. Sure there is a Vampire, but he's no lady; though his prey is.

Creepy and fun.

I'll leave you with another Countdown Blogger, Hellowe'en Horror.

Let's see what mischief I get up to tomorrow, I'll be heading downtown for the afternoon.


Deadpan Flook said...

In answer to the trivia question, I'll go with The Wicker Man, as Mr. Woodward starred as The Equalizer in the 80s after being sacrificed to the old gods in the 70s!

Always happy to see more yokai! Daidarabotchi seems to be missing from my 'Japanese Monster Survival Guide' book!

Michael Jones said...

Bingo. That is the answer to the trivia question! KUdos.
I'm coming across a few new Yokai as well.


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