
Karazy Kazaru.

Yesterday was a great day. (Why then didn't you write this yesterday? Because the dumb photos wouldn't upload properly and then I got tired and went to bed.) It started off with 7-11 having a new snack for me to consume before work.

I only ate the white and orange one, it was suitable for in-car consumption. Pancake with Pumpkin and Whipped Cream. Nice but I shan't buy it again. I ate the other one much later and I am so glad I didn't try it in the car. A Blueberry and Whipped Cream Puff that splurged purple goo all over the place. Yummy but MESSY!.

At Flight School, I brought my starting-to-go-bad pumpkin with me and the students loved it, even though none of them know who Grogu is.

The Gourd and Eggplant hadn't fared too well since Friday. Looking rather haggard.

I taught them the phrases: "So and so is dressed up as ~." So and so is dressed as a ~." I then showed them my bag full of stuffed characters and tossed them at individual students.

Now it's time to decorate the room and I brought out a lot of loot and let them go wild. 

(飾る = かざる = kazaru = to decorate.) 

On Friday, we have two lessons in a row, so we'll watch a movie (probably Sleepy Hollow). Next Tuesday is you know what!


That evening I had to substitute for another teacher and asked these three lads to tell me their favourite Yokai. This is what they came up with (mostly from Gegege.)

First up is one I'm unfamiliar with, Makura Gaeshi (枕返し or 反枕, pillow flip)  who comes to your home at night and flips your pillow over. Doesn't sound very ominous, though he is a tad scary.


Another boy chose Ittan-Momen (一反木綿 a bolt of cotton) a ghostly sheet. Doesn't look very ominous, though it doesn't take a liking to you may strangle or suffocate you.

Finally we have Nurikabe  塗り壁 plaster wall. The classic ukiyoe version looks like big puppy, the Gegege version resembles Towelie from South Park.

You can find a few details about the last two in an old post of mine.

I then had the lads draw a Jack o' Lantern and slice out their face. 

Turn out the lights and use your phone flashlight to illuminate the shadows on the wall. Works great! (Probably doesn't work as well in the daytime.)

I don't have a Venom handy, so I snapped a pic from Don Quijote. So far ALL of my Venom pics have been from my personal collection, this is the first item that I don't in fact own. I contemplated buying them though so that counts.

Only a week left in the Countdown to Halloween! Ahhhh! Where has the time gone? Here's another site worth a peek at: Haunted Eve's Halloween

Now I need to find some more Venom items if I hope post again tonight...

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