

I was out Tagajo way for a lesson and decided to check out a café that I've driven by many a time. 

I figured I'd drop in, have some spaghetti for lunch and pet an iguana. Much to my surprise, the café part of the place is non-existent. (Probably a Covid precaution.) It is a full-on pet shop specializing in exotic reptiles and other animals. (Too bad, I really wanted something to eat.) On the first floor was a young Goth gal stripping the slime off a newborn gecko and I also noticed a meercat, a pot-bellied pig, a few budgerigars, and lots of lizards. She was fairly busy, so I head upstairs and there were numerous other reptiles, and this guy was trying to feed some liver to a pair of monitor lizards. I asked if I could snap a few pics and proceeded to do so.

This guy was chowing down on a toad or something.

As you can see, they aren't cheap, ranging from 15,000-120,000 yen and higher (hundreds to thousands of $). IF I could afford it, I'd love any of these creatures. And this place supplies the crickets!

Nearby was the T*tty Twister. I was pressed for time, otherwise I would have dined there. Someday...

I found a Kaiyodo figure from Alice in Wonderland. I need to dig up the others I have from this collection. They're very nice.

Since I've switched from reptiles to amphibians, I should further switch to my favourite Yokai, KAPPA!

Here is the latest entry from my little book of Yokai

Avid readers of this blog may recall that I attended a Kappa festival last July and even participated in a parade.

I'm going to briefly switch back to Reptiles for a second and mention that when I got home, Reptilicus was showing this Danish masterpiece messterpiece. I'd watched a dubbed version of this extravaganza a while ago, this time I watched it subbed. I still don't think the poor guy deserved to die! Or did he die???

Once again, I've run out of steam, so here's a Venom/Carnage poster to end with.

Before I sneak away, is there a fellow blogger who may dwell on similar topics as shown above? Not really. I haven't fallen down the Manhole cover recently. Give it a try.

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