
Mi Kasa es su Kasa.

I planned on writing a long post all about my Saturday adventures. Instead, I watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920), Nosferatu (1922), Frankenstein (1910), Thirteen Ghosts (1960), Don't be Afraid of the Dark (1973), Witch's Night Out (1978), Disney's Halloween Treat (1982), and It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (1965)! Needless to say, I didn't get too creative and now it's minutes before midnight yet again.

Here's a quick Yokai to whet your appetite. I saved this one for a rainy day.

Probably one of the more famous Yokai, Kasa-obake (Ghost Umbrella?) He's a relatively friendly Ghost, friends with kiddies and may prank you by floating you up in the air in a strong wind.

For example...

I'm going to save my long elaborate post for tomorrow. So here's a tidbit from when I went shopping.

Or Donuts.

A Venom, this is from a Gatcha and as you can see, the collation in acquiring a full set is tough.

The end result is pretty cool. I only have one Carnage, so I'm saving assembling him until I have shelf space.

If you fancy yourself a chef, try out some recipes at Ghoul at Heart.

I think I'll watch the finale of Darryl and the Walking Dead before I go to bed. I hope the last one makes up for the previous five stinkers.

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