
What I'm Reading...

I've never heard of 村上春樹 (Haruki Murakami), but if the buzz is anything to go by, then IQ94 shows merit. If his book covers are anything to go by, he's well worth checking out. (Surf to the above to go to his site and then click around.)

Another book of intrigue is right up my alley, 外国人のための妖怪サバイバルガイド or Yokai Attack, The Japanese Monster Survival Guide which appears to be pure awesomeness! Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yokai looks pretty good too, but appears to be more serious and thus less goofy. (Heads up to Bloggity for the Heads Up.)

But what am I reading now? I found Frankenstein as a used copy for a buck and I've been reading this during my commute. I haven't read it since my High-School-read-all-the-SF/Horror-classics-stage (Stoker, Stevenson, Wells, Verne, etc.) but I am enjoying it. It is SO different from any of the movie versions that it is full of hidden delights and the language is just so lush that I have to look up the odd word's definition.

I will next attempt to read this, though it may be beyond my comprehension for now. Let's read it together, shall we...

This was a 1982 anime offering that is just lovely!

Now I have to try and find this:

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