I will offer my comments upon the casting for the movie though, so here we go...(I'm not going to take the time to link to everyone, surely you can Google them yourself.)

Quinto as Spocko. My favourite Hero/Villain did an admirable job as Spock Jnr. Not as good at controlling his emotions as his elder self, but that's part of his charm.
Nimoy as Spock. Inspired casting of Nimoy as Spock. I'm glad he has continued to Live Long and Prosper, thus ensuring a new breed of Trekaddicts.

Bruce Greenwood as Christopher Pike. A good Canadian boy (hey, TOS had a couple of Canucks), I really enjoyed the Easter Egg when he appeared at the end of the movie.
Karl Urban nailed Bones. IMHO, the best casting in the entire movie!

Simon Pegg as Scotty. Awesome casting choice. I loved him in Spaced, Hot Fuzz and the RomZomCom, Shaun of the Dead. I love him even more here. One complaint...not enough of him!
John Cho as Hikaru Sulu did an adequate job, but aren't there any Japanese actors out there who are capable of playing Japanese? (Click on the label below, Japolliwood, for more cases.) Great fencing!

Ben Cross as Sarek. Mark Lenard was brilliant as Spock's papa, but his shoes were amply filled by Mr. Cross.
I love it. Rather than show a photo of Winona Ryder as Spock's mom, Amanda Grayson, they just show a shot of Vulcan. Maybe she swiped the pic!

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