

I wanted to post this last night but I spent too much time working on my costume. It looks extremely lame, I'm quite proud of it!

I had a paint mishap so I had to go buy some paint remover. Just so happens that the guy who sells it owns a hobby shop and is a big Godzilla fan. The Godzillas out front of his store were in full costume!

En route back, I decided to stop for some Halloween treats. I rarely eat sweets but tonight I deserved my just desserts. Peko-chan served up some goodies behind the counter and I choose three dishes myself. I got some kind of pumkinny cupcake, a torte and a pumpkin-caramel pudding. Definitely too rich for my half-assed diet, but I need to splurge every now and then.

I am running low on Attack on Titan goods but I suspect that I'll have enough Nightmare until Christmas. Here's a bust and some creepy Mardi Gras style change-purses. Sally looks like a gimp with her mouth zipped but looks even creepier with it open.

That should be enough to give you nightmares.

Enjoy your Halloween night everyone!
May none of you receive a rock in your bag...

(I''m off to a big party soon. It's at Ernie's Bar so come on down if you're in the neighbourhood. Otherwise, I'll see you in spirits.)


Creature Of Habit!

Holy Crap! Where has this month gone? It's already October 29th!

Here's something I received several days ago from the Countdown to Halloween 2014 hosts. Some very cool stickers from John Rozum and Shawn Robare.

Honouring the Creature's 60th is the theme of this year's countdown and I love it!

The stickers:

 A vintage Halloween card.
 Stickers on the envelope.
 The logo this year.
 And the coolest sketch by Shawn himself! So brilliant!

Here are a handful of sketches by today's batch of Grade 6ers. Not as much talent as yesterday but some show promise.

That last one is pretty freaky!

Here are some Jack et al. Bobbleheads.

All of these have been displayed on my wall for years. These are the ONLY toys to not fall down during the big quake of 3/11/11! Next quake, I'm standing next to this wall.

I thought this was a bobblehead when I won it at UFO Catcher. It isn't, just a standard figure though it still kicks a fair amount of ass.

I'm supposed to be working on my costume tonight. I finally got the last of the items I need to put it together and have procrastinated all night so I suspect it may never get done. We'll see...
ps. The costume in question is for the party over at Ernies Bar  on Friday night. Be there or BEWARE!  

Werewolf? There wolf.

Since  狼男 ookami-otoko translates directly as Wolf-Man, I thought it'd be easier to teach that rather than Werewolf. One of my students took it a step further and changed the gender. Gao! indeed.

Today's lesson for Grade 6 consisted of a few flash cards of the more popular Halloween creatures, then a display of several of my stuffed toys cosplaying as those creatures. Their task was to judge whether "It's cute" or "It's scary". (The majority chose cute.)

Then using these masks, we had a little costume parade and they were again to judge under the same criteria.

After that I handed them the above print "I (don't) like ____ because it's (insert two adjectives). Ignore the misspelling of the scary word  こわいい, it should be こわい.
For kids who can't draw, everyone got one of the following stickers to either use as their character or to keep for themselves.

Some students used the sticker as a template to draw their creature.

Others added the sticker and then their own original drawing.

Others have their own unique look at things.

These kids may require counselling.

 The talent of these artists is incredible. Including the very top one, these are my favourites:

I also taught some Grade 3s today and they had the pumpkin face print, there was nothing special until I came across this.

Does it look familiar?

Once again, it's after midnight and though I have some NBC and AoT to show off, I'm going to bed...


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