
Kun You Dig It?

I knew that you could. Welcome to the 2013 version of the Countdown to Halloween. It's been two years since I last mentioned Kaibutsu-Kun and I thought I'd make him the focus of this month. At least until I run out of material!

Click that link or the Label at the bottom of this post labelled Kaibutsu-Kun for past entries on this group of characters. There are lots of goodies! Over the next month, I hope to feature a different spooky Movie Pamphlet and this time we have Kaibutsu-Kun The Movie!

More pictures from the Pamphlet to follow.

I hope to have a daily dose of horror but in this case, you'll have to settle for a preview of the above movie.

Oh this qualifies as a comic-horror...Voila, an anime episode:

Hopefully I'll also have some toys or UFO catch goodies or other stuff to show off. In this case, here's a sneak preview.

Details to follow.

Furthermore, I've come across several Halloweeny snacks and though this is not a snack, it does involve food and if you watch the above preview, you'll figure out why it's here.

Finally, I have a few books to show off yet I'll start off with this 400 page manga featuring You Know Who.

There is enough material to show a story a day.

If I here of any other cool spooky stuff that you may be interested in, I'll be sure to link to it. If you guys hear of anything that I'd be into, please comment! Enjoy the ride on Kaibutsu-kun's Dragon, it'll be a blast!

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